Musculoskeletal Consultations

Natalie’s fees
follow up - 30 MINUTES $120


In the one-hour initial musculoskeletal consultation, Natalie will spend time listening to your story and hearing what YOU want to get out of seeing her. She will

  • Take a detailed history of your condition to broaden her understanding of the causes and contributing factors.

  • Perform a targeted physical examination to look at the activities you have trouble performing, the way that you move and posture yourself as well as specific tests of your muscles, joints and nerves.

  • Aim to provide you with

    • A clear diagnosis

    • An understanding of the factors contributing to your condition

    • Treatment in line with the latest research, including education, exercise and manual therapy

    • A management plan developed with your input


Dizziness & Vertigo Consultations

natalie’s fees
follow up - 30 MINUTES $120

kate’s fees
follow up - 30 MINUTES $100


In the one-hour initial vestibular consultation your Physiotherapist will

  • Take a detailed history of your dizziness problem to find out how and when it started and what activities make your symptoms worse and what you would like to be able to do again.

  • Perform a targeted vestibular examination to look at

    • Your eye movement control

    • Specific tests of your vestibular (inner ear) system

    • Tests of your balance in standing and walking

    • Screen for more serious causes of dizziness and vertigo

  • Aim to provide you with a clear diagnosis and understanding of your condition.

  • Develop a personalised vestibular rehabilitation program




call (02) 4965 5411
for bookings or more information